About once a week I run into this- "I'mnotsurewhatIwanttoeat" problem and I look into the refrigerator that is usually packed with a random chicken breast, some half chopped onion, bacon, sausage or something of the like. So, in an effort not to waste a penny, I have started cooking a weekly 'hodgepodge' of things from the refrigerator. Here is this week's hodgepodge recipe just in case you have the desire to toss a few things in a pan and get cookin' like I do!
1 random lonely organic chicken breast
2 chicken sausage links
1/2 a yellow onion
1 sweet potato
1 tsp garlic
1/2 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp turmeric
6 tsp coconut oil
Sea Salt/pepper/garlic powder to taste
Here's a tip: You have to cook the sweet potato in one pan while you cook the meat in another pan.
So I begin by sticking the chicken sausage in a pan on medium heat and letting it brown up on the sides. While that is cooking, I chop up the sweet potato into chunks and toss it in a separate pan with 3 tsp coconut oil. I season the sweet potato chunks with sea salt, pepper and about 1/2 tsp of garlic powder (you can use the real deal, but I was in a bit of a hurry so I used garlic powder instead--no biggie). Chop up the chicken breast here too!
Then, I go back to the sausage links, take them out of the pan and slice them into bite-sized pieces. I toss a little coconut oil into the pan with the diced up chicken breast (I also diced the chicken breast while the sausage was cooking. While the chicken is cooking I toss in half a yellow onion that has been chopped up recklessly (no need for precision when you are making a hodgepodge). While these items are cooking I toss in the turmeric, cumin, black pepper and sea salt and add back in the sausage. I also had some chicken broth in the fridge leftover from a couple of days ago so I tossed in about 1/4 cup of that and let everything finish cooking along with the sweet potatoes from the other pan.
TADA!!!! Lunch was ready. This took me 30 minutes from start to finish--super easy! Don't be scared of all the randomness in your refrigerator! It could be something fantastic in a matter of minutes!
Let me know what you throw in a pan sometimes! Perhaps it turns out to be my new favorite recipe?!
Cheers to Life!--Bree
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